Chandler Trey Johnson
Chandler is a Multi-Instrumentalist from Portland, OR.
Bridge Gamble
San Francisco’s Bridge Gamble is a songwriter and producer who blends 70’s outlaw country with contemporary underground rock. Their enigmatic brands of art-pop, country psychedelia and folk techno document and criticize the countercultural threads emerging and collapsing in 21st century California.
2023’s the Narrow Gate and the Secret Society B Sides dealt with the economics of conspiracy, tradition, and mysticism, set against the shifting backdrop of the American west. The kind of shift you’d see out the window of an SUV as you drive an interstate highway overlapping with the same landscape 20 years later from the bed of a pickup truck, buzzing off two tall cans and adrenaline with a couple from Louisiana piloting the vehicle and she was a flower child and he was just out on the north rim of the Canyon delivering agricultural equipment.
World Peace: All Together Now is Gambles attempt to coalesce the straying threads that led to the invention and integration of their current fixation with country, folklore, music that sounds sonically bad, and the avant-garde. The collection of rarities compiles the greatest hits of “World Peace” Gambles recording project from 2019-2022. WPATN will be Exploding Phoenix Records’ first official release, out on cassette tape on October 12th, 2024.
Freight Train Lady
Freight Train Lady sings country-fried folk songs from the wind and waves of the north coast.
DOORS at 7:30PM