"Meet Me in St. Louis" is the classic 1944 MGM romantic/musical comedy from the Oscar-winning director Vincent Minelli (“Gigi,” “An American In Paris,”). The story of four sisters on the cusp of the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair – one of whom is Judy Garland (“Wizard Of Oz” “A Star Is Born”) at the height of her powers just prior to her marriage to Minelli, and birth of their daughter Liza! In glorious Technicolor, Judy croons the holiday classic “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas” and sings “The Boy Next Door” into the American songbook as well as the rollicking “The Trolley Song.” Yes, Zing Zing Zing go your heartstrings! The film spotlights the sisters' education in the ways of the not-changing-fast-enough turn of the century, and, in the end, accompanied by song, dance and period costumes, love conquers all.
The evening will begin with our host Robert Mailer Anderson with a “holiday” themed Gramophone Concert (Mahalia Jackson, Bing Crosby and Andrew Sisters, Louis Armstrong, and more) spinning 78s on a circa 1920’s record player, including a warm up sing-a-long (?) of “The Trolley Song.”
Free wine from a jerrabom of rare Napa cabernet while supplies last!
The Best $15 Evening in San Francisco!!!
"My first memory of The Castro Theater is walking in with my father as the organ played prior to a screening of “Meet Me In St Louis” and the style and spirt of the movie palace and seasoned moviegoers, and throng of drag queen Judy Garlands ready to sing along to “The Trolley Song,” as all my senses were propositioned in the popcorn scented glow and excitement of the precurtain parting of my Castro virginity.” Robert Mailer Anderson