Now is Hannah, Oli, and Will. Official crash course for the ravers.
Semi Trucks
Semi Trucks, created, fronted, and curated by California bred Brendan Sepe, are a “magic school bus”-esque escapade on track to bring art pop to the top of the charts. The duality of Sepe’s teenage-esque, yet cosmopolitan song writing charms to the point of blushing all listeners—with me being no exception. You may know Sepe from his prior engagement to the band the Pesos. This led him to get his foot in the door in the dank, dark music scene of Los Angeles. Los Angeles, where dreams are chewed up and spit out. Fortunately, Sepe has no dreams. He tells me all he truly wants is to be heard by kids twenty years from now in hopes to inspire them. He’s a man of the future. Laying tile by day, and laying tile by the next morning, Sepe aches to create and has done so immensely with his debut “vs California.”The Semi Trucks are like eating your favorite American meal laced with sincerity, struggles, love, freedom and euphoria. Semi Trucks, in the words of Brendan Sepe to you, “thank you, for being there.” -Noah Nash
April Magazine
April Magazine combines the talents of a handful of Bay Area indie pop notables into a collective that releases fragile and noisy songs that land right in the sweet spot between Velvet Underground hum and Pastels warble with a heavy dose of slowcore static in the mix. A string of digital singles primed listeners for the group's sound; late 2021 brought both a collection of said releases -- If the Ceiling Were a Kite, Vol. 1 -- and their first LP, Sunday Music for an Overpass.
DOORS at 7:00PM | MUSIC at 8:00 PM