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  • 4 Star 2200 Clement Street San Francisco, CA, 94121 United States (map)

WNP Film Club is a film series at the 4 Star Theater brought to you by Western Neighborhoods Project, your friendly community history nonprofit, in partnership with Bay Area Movies. Join us in celebrating movies filmed on location in San Francisco, with an emphasis on the west side. Each screening will feature an introduction by WNP’s resident film buffs, John Martini and Chelsea Sellin, who will share some background about the film and its featured locations, including historical images from the OpenSFHistory photo archive. Optional Extra Credit: stick around after the movie to chat with John and Chelsea and indulge your inner film nerd.

Join us on Wednesday, April 16, for the classic 1958 crime drama The Lineup. The SFPD are hot on a case involving heroin smuggled by unwitting travelers. They’re up against a sinister Eli Wallach and his criminal gang. If you think Bullitt basically invented the San Francisco car chase, you’ve got to check out The Lineup. Plus! An extensive sequence inside the former Sutro’s—it’s like you can step back in time and visit it yourself. Directed by Don Siegel, who later did Dirty Harry and Escape from Alcatraz, this is a true cine noir classic.

The program begins at 7:00pm. Tickets sales support both WNP and the 4 Star Theater!